Can you feel me in your spine?
The lonely ghosts climbing, comely,
Up, up
Jacob's ladder.
They breathe wind into your ears.
Soft wind in the tunnels that will retire
like maraschino on the tongue.
for you, I'll keep it whole.
My teeth will render secrets
like captive ribs protecting the heart.
Before we tasted, we felt in our spines
like Aurochs with their pastey wings
sweating in the sun.
Up, up,
the secrets they kept had a Florentine concupiscence.
For there is no animality to an angel.
They dance in spirit form.
They think in burning loins,
burning bushes, burning candles
with wax like slow skin.
Freaking out until it's whole.
They are blind angels, bending lights,
awkward angels one by one.
They are the Aurora!
The Roman dawn, the everyman dawn.
Old drunken stratagems that break their clam shells
They die again, again.
They never die, they close their eyes.
I have a secret:
You will not believe the Heaven of your mind.
You're so talented it makes me like a jealous child... it's nice you're not wasting it.
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